image from pinterest
This weekend we had a lovely time. We did nothing. Well, we did very little. Friday was spent making homemade pizza for dinner and watching The Irish R.M. On Saturday the weather was kind enough to allow a bit of gardening to be done- muck spreading, planting and general tidying up. On Sunday we went to our friends Will and Becky for lunch. After we ate, the boys went outside to play and we spread ourselves on the sofa. Becky and I chatted and cooed at her beautiful baby Nancy. I told Becky about the five year diary I'd started in January. I said that looking back over the last couple of months I couldn't believe how much of my life was spent cooking and baking and being at home with the boys. It's all gingerbread and chicken pies, books read, walks taken, weather watching, following foxes footprints in the snow. She looked at me as Nancy lay in her arms and then she said that's the perfect life. I had been seeing it as quiet, dull, uneventful, boring even. But no, viewed from a slightly different perspective it is the perfect life.
Sounds good to me.