Hugo is ten.
I thought that my heart was broken when Mide turned four earlier on this week, but in actual fact it's nothing to a son turning ten. Hugo is in school as I write, going through the last day of the week before coming home to friends, presents, cake, candles, treats, games...all the while I watch as he grows up. Up and slightly further away. Which is how it is and how it should be. A time of change. All around there is change- autumn has crept up on us, arriving on the tailcoats of summer, just about noticeable, but here nonetheless. There are blackberries and rosehips in the hedgerow and the morning air has a cooler note. I love autumn so none of this causes undue alarm. On the stove the tomato sauce is puttering for tonight's supper of tomato lasagne to which I'll add ricotta and spinach and there is yesterday's apple crumble and home-made custard to finish. Oh, and hopefully there'll be chocolate cake...
I am reading...
Mide is loving his birthday book illustrated by Mark Hearld- it's just so beautiful- all about nature, based around the seasons and written with a gentle poetic, lyrical voice.

"Autumn is exciting! Trees turn flame coloured and the wind makes a whirligig of fiery leaves. Birds feast on berries and the first frosts sprinkle the spiders' webs with diamonds"
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